Thursday, May 17, 2012

Graduation Celebration!

         This past weekend marked a huge milestone in our family. The last of the Mayfield clan graduated from college! It is hard to believe that baby brother is all grown up and in the real world now.  When I think of Alex as a kid, I tend to always remember him as a five year old.  Alex was not only the baby of the family, he was quite the runt when he was little.  The kid was small and could eat everything in sight and still manage to look malnourished. (that might be a little dramatic, but the kid was small.) Now, he is my "big" little brother. Its hard for me to believe that he reached this HUGE milestone.  I remember vividly when he started Kindergarten. Needless to say we were excited to head up to Boone to celebrate this big day.

            Here are some pictures from the day.

          All the graduates filing in. Sigh of relief Alex made it to graduation!

Walking up to get the diploma. Doesn't his face just scream excitement?!

You did it kid.  WhoHoo!

A little sibling love. (Missing one brother!)

Proud Parents.

Family Shot.

            I realize now that Kenny and I did not get a single picture together.  One of us was always behind the camera.  We are going to have to get better at this!

           On a side note, Kenny and I were both excited to be  asked if we were graduates. We've still got it! I'll take that compliment for as many years it wants to come my way.

          We finished the weekend with a cookout in Shelby and Mother's Day spent in Asheville.  It was a great first mother's day and Kenny hit the mark by purchasing some fun jewelry from one of my favorite stores!  This weekend we are headed back up to our old stomping ground...Chapel Hill for a recruiting fair.  Well Kenny has to work a recruiting fair, and I get to see some old friends. :-) We will be sure to post pictures soon! 

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