Tuesday, May 15, 2012

30 Weeks: Surprises

Things that have surprised me about pregnancy:

1) That morning sickness is worse than I thought, and lasts way longer than the first trimester.
             No one likes feeling nauseated or vomiting, that is a given.  I however did not think that it would last as long as it has, or that I would go periods of time feeling fine, and then have weeks of feeling icky. I know that every woman is different, and not everyone has morning sickness, but a lot of women do and it is definitely an adjustment.

2) That you spend most of pregnancy without a bump!
             I always knew that it would take some time for the baby bump to appear, but I didn't realize that I would be about six months pregnant before it was really even noticeable to me.  I figured the waddling and bumping into things would occur much sooner.  I am glad to have a clear bump now, and be able to fit into the comfy maternity clothes.

3) That when the baby moves it looks and feels as though there is an alien inside of you.
              Kenny and I would also joke that it would feel like an alien. It really does feel like a little alien.  It is a totally awesome feeling, but it still catches me off guard at times and I have been feeling him move around for weeks.  As he gets bigger the movements are starting to feel more "baby" like and can be distinguished as kicks and punches.  This always excites Kenny and results in a comment like, "Yea, that a boy!"

4) That pregnancy isn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.
             I have always heard women complain about how much they were uncomfortable or in pain during pregnancy.  My mom is an exception to this, she has always talked about how her knees felt better while she was pregnant than when she wasn't.  However, I feel like A LOT of women talk about how miserable they were, especially in the third trimester.  I am sure by July, uncomfortable will be the word I use to describe how I feel, but I am so thankful that I am still feeling great.  Sure my feet hurt some days, and my back aches at times. The discomfort is minor; I have been in a lot more pain after a heavy day of lifting weights or after the first week of P90X. :-)

5) How much I miss working out.
            I mean really working out.  I pretty much gave up any intense training when we began trying to get pregnant, and I gladly did it. Since then, my workout have consisted of walking or elliptical from 30-60 minutes.  I shoot for everyday, but a few times a week is usually what occurs.  I have lifted weights a few times, but the weight load has been significantly less than what I consider normal.  Lately, I have REALLY missed intensely working out.  I miss sweating, I miss my body shaking from muscle fatigue, and I miss being sore. This is something I have always found fun, and has been a part of my life pretty much since the first grade when I joined a swim team. I like challenging my body, and I am really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things once this little guy arrives.  :-)

6) How much I don't miss drinking.
             Sure I miss the social aspect of it at times.  However, I am really surprised how I don't really crave wine or beer.  I am looking forward to drinking a beer later this summer, but I have been surprised how easy it has been to not drink, even when Kenny and friends are enjoying a few rounds.  Perhaps it is because I must smell Kenny's drink before he gets to enjoy the beverage, and that seems to be enough for now. :-)

7) How I am overwhelmed with excitement and not nervousness!
             As we near D day, I feel as though I just grow more and more excited.  I so badly just want to hold Tripp, kiss his feet, and see his sweet face.  I can't wait to meet him. I seriously am not the least bit nervous. I just can't wait for him to get here!

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