Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One Month?!

Where have 4 weeks gone? One the one hand, it definitely seems as though a month has passed since the arrival of Tripp. On the other hand, it doesn't feel as though I haven't had a full night sleep in a month.  How is that possible?  How am I not a tired, grumpy, hag by now? Walking zombie? No, I don't feel like a tired hag or walking zombie.  In fact most mornings I feel pretty dang good. 

 It is amazing how we have been able to adjust to the lack of sleep, and both Kenny and I are people who would have previously claimed an inability to function during the day on less than 8 hours of sleep.

Time really is flying by. I can't believe he is one month old! 

We went by the clinic today to get his stats:

Weight: 9 lbs. 5 oz
Height: almost 21 inches

We have officially made the move out of newborn clothes.  He lasted 2.5 seconds in that size.  We are on to 0-3 month clothes!

Milestones:  This kid likes to scoot and roll.  The rolling is on accident and a result of scooting but we have quickly realized that we can't leave him on anything off the ground.  He has rolled twice from his stomach to back.  Of course, we were not able to get video of this since we weren't expecting it to happen.  Its a fluke I know, but still it was crazy to see him do it twice!

Tripp and I have a few more weeks of hanging out together before I head back to work and he starts in the infant classroom.  Thankfully we will be together just a classroom over from each other.  This is the only way I can fathom leaving him.  Putting a wall between us for 8 hours seems hard enough! Slightly neurotic, I know. :-)

Here is what you have really been waiting for.....the pictures!

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