Saturday, December 7, 2013

Quickly approaching 18 months

Where has time gone?

We are still without a computer, and well life is busy with a toddler. So these posts have become few and far between. I wanted to write more so that we could remember Tripp right in the moment. Time passes so quickly and while I love that he is now a toddler, I am sad that he is definitely no longer a baby.  

He confidently walks into his classroom every morning excited to see his teachers and friends. This makes my heart happy, knowing he is happy going to school everyday. New words emerge daily and a occasionally he will stop and listen to the TV as if he is finally understanding what is being said. He loves to play chase and he loves to climb! Oh how he loves to climb. He is so proud when he summits a piece of furniture or playground equipment. 

He also loves to kiss mommy's belly. It is often the first thing he does in the morning and totally makes our heart melt. He is all ready a great big brother. I can't wait for him to meet Connelly in a few months.

We are also in full on imitation mode.  He imitates everything. Brushing hair, brushing his teeth, using the remote or cell phone. It is adorable and incredible how quickly they learn new skills.  He is a sponge. Oh how you bring so much joy to our life! 


Here are some stats:

Words: dada, momma, nana, more, milk, ball, quack, hi, bye, andit (bandit), yes
Weight: 27lbs
Height: 32 inches
Size: 18-24 months/ 2t
Food: everything! The only food group you are somewhat picky about is fruit, but you absolutely love blueberries and raspberries.
Loves: cars, trucks, balls, bandit, wrestling with dad, hugs and kisses, music, dinosaurs, trash, the book froggie gets dressed, being outside, being dad's shadow, and animal noises. 
Dislikes: being made to do something that you don't want to do. Such as sitting down during circle time at school. 
We hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!