Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/2 Birthday!

Oh my goodness where has time gone? Half a year has passed all ready? I can't believe it! Time definitely goes by too fast. It seems as though milestones are flying by, and moving up to the pre-toddler class is on the horizon. Pre-toddler? I am definitely not ready for that, and find myself secretly hoping he will be a late crawler to further delay that moment.

Infancy passes in a blink. While I am SO excited to play at the park and introduce play dough, paint, the slide, all things "toddler". I am so sad to think the days are numbered where he is a baby! I am trying hard to cherish each moment, even the occasional early morning wake ups.

Enough of mommy babble. Let's move onto what the little man has accomplished in the last two months!

Tripp is rolling all over the place. He flips back to front and front to back. It is obvious that this doesn't satisfy his desire to be on the move, but he hasn't quite figured out how to get those knees up under himself. He sits for short periods of time on his own without any support, and sits for extended periods of time with support. We are finally putting some toys to use! He enjoys grabbing toys out of his bin and passing the from hand to hand.

When he gets really excited he gets a little spastic. His feet go wild, arms flail all about, and he is usually babbling something. Currently he gets the most excited for veggies at dinner time. He loves them! Solid food was introduced a few weeks ago and he is totally digging it.

So far he has tried: peas, squash, sweet potato, avocado, pears, apples, banana, and peaches. He tolerates fruit. By tolerate, I mean I sneak in bites between whichever vegetable he is eating, he shears and starts to fuss if we give him too many bites of fruit in a row. I am so happy he loves his veggies!

Some other things Tripp loves are: dancing in his bouncer, getting tossed in the air by dad, sports center, and Bandit.

I absolutely love how he smiles at bandit. He laughs when we get home and let bandit out of his kennel. Bandit goes nuts and runs all around. It does not phase Tripp at all when bandit bumps into him or lays on him. In the past, I would FREAK out when Bandit would climb into Tripp's car seat with him. Now that Tripp is a little older, it is so sweet to see him curl up at his feet, and let Tripp pull on him. I am so glad that they both love each other so much!

Here are his stats from his doctor's appointment.

Weight: 18 lbs 3.7oz (60th percentile)
Height: 27 and 1/4 inches. (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 17 inches (50th percentile)

I have been slacking majorly on taking pictures, which is sad because he gives us huge gummy grins all the time. I promise to take some this weekend. For now, I leave you with one from our dance party last night....

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Next Step

Our pastor consistently challenges us to each take our next step in our walk with Christ. For each individual those steps look different. Mine might be, and probably are, completely different than yours. A step could be to publicly get baptized or get involved with your church. It is what God has laid on your heart. It is a step that deepens your walk and relationship with Christ.

This past Sunday, our sermon was titled "2013 How to Have The Best Year Of Your Life." During the sermon Perry laid out some steps to having the best year of your life. For some, I am sure these particular steps have all ready been taken. For others, including myself, a few of my next steps were listed right in front of me. Some included reading the Bible everyday (it's hard to drift away from God when you are actively in his word daily, right?), tithing, getting involved, etc.

After the sermon, Kenny and I talked about what we felt our next steps were individually. We then laid them all out and made a commitment with God, each other, and ourselves to work on taking these next steps. We are excited and pumped!

We are thanking God for where we are currently, because 2012 was a pretty amazing year for us. Tripp is a pretty amazing gift from God. However, we also know that the best is yet to come and we are super excited about that!

So, I am writing this post to ask: What is your next step? Pray about it, and ask God to lay it on your heart if you don't know. I just want to encourage you to take your next step.

Oh and on a side note, 467 people met Jesus today at Newspring. How incredible is that? I am so excited that there will be that many more people in heaven one day! It blows my mind that at one church that many people received Christ. I cannot even wrap my head around how many people met Jesus yesterday across the world. I am truly in awe of God and his greatness when I think about that.

I hope everyone has an incredible day.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Just hanging out. Actually playing with a toy. (Of course it is a Clemson toy)

Fun fact. Tripp told me this morning that he would be super excited to get some FSU toys for his birthday this summer. True story, I'm not lying. Besides our house could use some more garnet to balance out all the orange that consumes us. Just throwing that out there. We live in a tough area here people, filled with lots of orange. It's everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!! Sometimes we just need a little bit of garnet and gold. Can ya feel me?

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Wednesday! We are happy over here, both our teams won their bowl games! Hip hip hooray.

Oh and don't mind the ironing board in the background. Occasionally I pull it out, try and convince myself to iron some clothes, then decide I would rather spend that time sleeping/eating/playing/pinning/doing ANYTHING other than iron. The board sits out for a few days...maybe even a week. Don't judge! Then I hide it along with all the clean wrinkled clothes and pretend there is nothing on my to do list. True story. Kenny will vouch, but he can't complain because he doesn't iron either. Thank goodness for wrinkle resistant clothes and dryers. My life is so much easier!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We tried something new this morning. There were cringes, shivers, and smiles. These seem to be typical responses as far as I can tell.

I am actually really excited to start different food combinations. I am pretty sure once we get to this point, we won't be able to shovel it in fast enough. We have to make sure there aren't any food allergies first, so the next several weeks will be solo fruits and veggies. Hopefully we will see more smiles and less cringes with each try.


We took a video, but I am having a hard time getting it to load for some reason. For now here are some pictures of the event!