He had his second round of shots. They went about as well as you would expect. He screamed in agony. Oh how his "hurt" cry breaks my heart. :-( Really, all of his cries do. I tolerate the other ones rather well. I can even ignore them if need be. This cry, the cry of pain, KILLS me. I can't help but cry myself as his sweet little face looks up at me with tears streaming down his face. It is horrible, but it is necessary.
There isn't any question where Kenny and I fall on the vaccine issue. We both feel very strongly about their importance. While I hate seeing Tripp cry out in pain, the vaccines he is receiving are so much more important and vital to his health. So I get over myself and do what I/we feel is best for him.
Tylenol and liquid gold did the trick to calm him down and he was happy as a clam the rest of the day. So glad the pain is short lived.
Here are the stats!
Weighing in at 15 lbs .04 ounces (just above the 25th percentile for boys)
Height 25 & 3/4 inches (just about the 75th percentile! Oh yeah.) He may not look like me, but I can at least claim the height comes from the Mayfield side.
Head circumference: 16 inches (25th percentile)
Other Milestones:
He has discovered his feet and boy parts, and he enjoys grabbing both of them. Typical boy.
Laughing and Babbling are continuing to increase.
Rolling from front to back
Supported Sitter!
Hope everyone has a happy Friday!
Here is our little ham.