Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

My parents stopped by for a quick visit on their way back home from Atlanta.  We decided to head over to the pumpkin patch at Denver Downs Farm.

Last year Kenny and I went to their corn maze and had a good time even though the corn was only up to our ankles. We knew that we would want to come back this year, and I am so glad that we did.   This year the corn was well over our heads and were plenty of other activities to do.  Hay rides, bale races, feeding farm animals, zip lines and of course the pumpkin patch were just a few of the activities. I am so thankful to live in an area where we can go to actual farms to pick apples, pumpkins, and Christmas trees.  I love that we are establishing these family traditions!

A little under age driving

Not so sure about the farm animals...

Trying out the corn kernels

Not too sure

 This feels pretty cool!

Picking our pumpkins right off the vine!

Picking out our 4th pumpkin....we really like this time of year.

Aw come on Tripp, look up!

There we go.

Getting some quality time with BG and Papaw

Not a fan of the flower.

Love that sweet face!
We had a great time with BG and Papaw!  We love this time of year, and hope that everyone is having a great Fall!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Clemson v. Ga Tech

Well if you know anything about us, you know that during the months of September-November our world revolves around college football.  Clemson and Florida State football to be exact.  So it should be no surprise that we spent the day this past Saturday tailgating in Clemson.

We always have a great time, but this weekend was extra special due to all the college friends that were back in town.  It was great to catch up and for many it was their first time meeting Tripp!

There isn't anything better than a day spent outdoors playing corn hole, tossing the football, eating good food, and watching the Seminoles and Tigers play. :-)

I didn't come close getting pictures of everyone and Tripp.  There were so many friends who stopped by the tailgate!  Lots of time was spent catching up with everyone and we snagged what pictures we could of the day. Tripp had so much fun that he spent most of Sunday asleep. :)

Here is a picture recap of the day!
A friendly corn hole competition.

Trying out the Go Pod for the first time.
Hanging out with Uncle Kevin and Jen!
Chillin' with Uncle John.
Cuddling with Aunt Jennifer
Chewing on Nana

Meeting college friends

It was a great weekend!  We miss everyone!

Friday, October 12, 2012

3 Months.

Holy Cow time flies. 

Here are the little guy's stats:

Weight (approx.): 13 lbs 1 oz
Length: 23 3/4 inches
Clothing Size: Mostly 3-6 months.
Sleep: 10-12 hours a night! (One happy momma!)
Eating: 4-6 oz a feeding

Milestones/Loves to do:

1. Gaining better head control, but still a bobble head at times.
2. Able to sit in the bumbo for a short period of time.
3. Tracking movement across the room.
4. SMILE! Especially first thing in the morning. :-)
5. Lots of cooing
6. Kicking his feet.  If he is awake he is moving!

We are getting excited for all the holidays that are coming up! Can't wait to put him in his little Halloween costume!

Here are some comparison pictures:

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Apple Picking

I have always wanted to go apple picking. Each fall for the past five years I have thought, "We should go apple picking." The weekends would fly by and before I knew it, the season was over and we missed our chance.  I didn't realize how early in the fall season harvesting apples took place.  Well, this year we remembered early enough in the season to make it happen!

This past weekend we drove up to Flat Rock, NC to Sky Top Orchards and we had a great time.  It only took about an hour to get there and man was it packed!  I only snapped a few pictures because little man was eating the majority of the time.  What can you do. 

Kenny had a great time climbing trees to get some apples.  Most of the lower branches had all ready been picked through by the youngsters.  We did find a row of trees that had some apples low enough to reach, so Tripp and myself were able to actually pick one!

It was such a beautiful day, and I am so thankful that we live close enough for awesome day trips to the mountains.  It really was a great day with friends.  We loaded up on apples (obviously), pumpkins, apple cider, and Asian pears (these are amazing!)

Unfortunately we missed out on the apple doughnuts. :(  When we arrived, we thought the line was a little too long.  Our thoughts were that the line would die down as the day went on.  We were wrong.  The line was twice as long when we came back from picking apples.  Lesson learned.

In a jacket for the first time.
So glad we started this family tradition!